Midterm Reflection

 With fall break right around the corner, I figured it was as good a time as any to reflect on how my first semester of college is going. I was definitely nervous coming into college but now that I've gotten pretty adjusted, I feel much more comfortable putting myself out there. I've joined our Latino Student Union as well as our PRSSA chapter. There hasn't been much going to do with LSU as of yet but I'm very excited for my upcoming trip to Nashville, Tennesse with our PRSSA chapter. 

As far as actual classes go, I was struggling a bit at first but now that we've started more projects and papers, I'm doing a lot better. I like all of my professors and it's nice that they're understanding when it comes to getting sick or having to miss class. The only thing that has been mildly inconvenient is remembering to make time for homework and not get caught up in clubs or hanging out with friends. 

I haven't been very homesick either, which I will attribute to living close by. While it is nice to go home and see my parents and siblings every once in a while, I've found that I've adjusted pretty well to not constantly having them around. I do however miss my cousin Reagan quite a bit since she decided to move across the country to attend college in Washington. 

I know I still have a lot to learn and a lot of experiences ahead of me, but I feel that I'm in a really good spot and I'm happy that I decided to come to college this semester. I'm also really excited to start planning for next semester and figuring out what classes I need to take. I'm slightly nervous for finals but besides that I'm really excited for the rest of the semester. 


  1. Great job so far this semester! Hopefully we'll have another class together next semester!

  2. Madeline,
    It sounds like the beginning of your semester has gone pretty well so far. It's hard trying to balance school, social life, clubs, sleep, and inevitable sicknesses. It takes time to understand the best way to go about all of these things but once you get the hang of it time will begin to slow hopefully. The clubs your in sound really cool! Finish out the semester strong! You got this! Great post!


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