Textbook Chapter 12
Wow! Blogging is a whole other animal, and I had no idea the effort, time, or thoughtfulness that it took to write a blog. I also never realized how useful or abundant they were. For years I've been reading blogs for research or just general information without realizing that I was actually looking at a blog. While I did check the facts and inquire about statements that seemed biased, I never really thought more about the type of article that I was looking at. If we're being totally honest, I didn't think that blogging would be that hard when we were first assigned it. I thought it would be quick and easy to write a blurb about my day and get it over with. However, after reading this chapter and attempting to write blogs myself it has become much more apparent that it can be quite a difficult task. Learning about how to create a captivating title, keeping it short and sweet and the amount of teamwork that goes into each blog post in insan...