
Showing posts from August, 2023

Textbook Chapter 12

    Wow! Blogging is a whole other animal, and I had no idea the effort, time, or thoughtfulness that it took to write a blog. I also never realized how useful or abundant they were. For years I've been reading blogs for research or just general information without realizing that I was actually looking at a blog. While I did check the facts and inquire about statements that seemed biased, I never really thought more about the type of article that I was looking at.      If we're being totally honest, I didn't think that blogging would be that hard when we were first assigned it. I thought it would be quick and easy to write a blurb about my day and get it over with. However, after reading this chapter and attempting to write blogs myself it has become much more apparent that it can be quite a difficult task. Learning about how to create a captivating title, keeping it short and sweet and the amount of teamwork that goes into each blog post in insan...

The Top 3 Things to Focus on When Managing Your Time

We all know that time management can be one of the trickiest things to accomplish. Once you think that you have a system, an emergency or additional responsibility comes up and you suddenly have to replan for everything. Trying to manage your time can also be tricky when you're busy or are involved in a lot of activities. Luckily, there are ways to combat feeling overwhelmed. One way to do this is to focus on three main aspects of your day: the things you need to do, the things you have to do, and the things you want to do. Note that there is a distinction between the things that you need to do and the things that you want to do. This is an important distinction and will be explained later.  After you've defined the difference between your needs, wants and your have to do's you can then allot your time.  Your daily schedule will probably be contingent upon what you have to do. However, don't let that stress you out when trying to allot time for your needs and your wants...

College Week 1 - Getting Adjusted

A Changing Lifestyle High School Graduation As a high school student, I was constantly busy and involved in everything under the sun. I played sports, was involved in the arts, took CCP classes and was an active DECA member. Towards the end of my senior year, I realized that I was exhausted, and I wanted to get away from all of my commitments. So, after I graduated that's exactly what I did. I had my "Summer of No Commitments." It was weird at first, learning to adjust to not constantly being busy, but it gave me the space to figure out what I enjoyed spending my time doing and I even got to go on vacation. Now that I'm back in school it's been a whirlwind of trying to figure out a schedule and prioritizing my time. Move In Day The day was finally here! Although I've had mixed feelings about starting college, I knew that one way or another I'd find out what was right for me. Moving in was kind of hectic, and truth be told I probably could've handled it...